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Rekor Command™
Getting Started
Getting Started (Tablet)
Live Map (Desktop)
Incident Management (Desktop)
Incident Management (Tablet)
Account Management
Data Hub (Desktop)
Live Map (Tablet)
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Rekor Help Center - Knowledge Base & Customer Support
Rekor Command™
Rekor Scout®
Getting Started
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Scout FAQ's
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Class, Count, and Speed (CCS)
Vehicle Insite
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Rekor Command™
Getting Started
Getting Started (Tablet)
Live Map (Desktop)
Incident Management (Desktop)
Incident Management (Tablet)
Account Management
Data Hub (Desktop)
Live Map (Tablet)
Release Notes and Updates
Rekor CarCheck®
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Vehicle Recognition SDK
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Rekor Edge Pro
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ALPR Configuration
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Edge Pro FAQ's
Policies and Security
Rekor Edge Max
Rekor Command™
Rekor Command™ provides a rapid and holistic view of what is happening on the roadways.
Getting Started
How do I log into my account Rekor Command™?
How do I reset my password?
How do I log out of my account?
Is there a glossary of terms for Rekor Command™?
How can Rekor aid my agency with crash prediction?
How do I configure which items appear on incident reports?
How do I enable sound alerts?
How do I access my profile settings?
How do I switch between portrait and landscape screen layouts?
What is shown on the Account Settings page?
What is shown on the Data Hub page?
What is shown on the Live Map page?
How do I Use Keyboard Shortcuts for Navigation in Rekor Command?
How do I start a work request as a driver?
What is a maintenance work request?
How do I select a unit, route, and shift?
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Getting Started (Tablet)
How do I pause, resume, and end my shift?
How to work offline?
How do you use dark mode on the tablet?
How do I access my profile in tablet view?
How do I log in/out of Rekor Command™ using my tablet?
How do I reset my password?
How to filter work requests?
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Live Map (Desktop)
What map tools are available?
What are map layers on the Live Map?
How can I access crash prediction information?
How can I manually complete a Traffic Disruption?
What are Traffic Disruption statuses?
How can I edit a Traffic Disruption?
How can I create and fill out a Traffic Disruption?
What is a "Traffic Disruption"?
How can I see details and status updates regarding a specific agency unit?
How do I access a Dashcam feed on the Live Map?
How can I view Congestion on the Live Map?
How do I interact with an existing event on the Live Map?
How do I interact with Field Assets on the Live Map?
What types of layers are there on the Live Map?
How can I zoom in and out on the Live Map?
How do I use the search bar on the Live Map?
How do I use map tools?
How do I activate and deactivate layers on the Live Map?
What happens when I click on a weather event in the weather panel?
How can I sort events in the weather panel?
Can I filter Weather Alerts?
How do I enable Weather Alerts?
How do I enable Special Events?
What are "special events"?
What are "weather alerts"?
How are Traffic Disruptions created?
How do I Rename a Corridor or Cross-road?
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Incident Management (Desktop)
How do I Prioritize Traffic Incidents?
How do I use Traffic Impact on the Insights Panel?
What is a Wrong Way Alert?
How do I manage a Wrong Way Alert?
What is the Persistence Score?
How can I use the Insights Panel?
How are incidents completed?
How can I create a Special Event?
How can I edit a Special Event?
How can I complete a Special Event?
How can other users see when an incident is being viewed or edited?
How do I notify the public about a Traffic Disruption?
How can I interact with “completed” Traffic Disruptions?
How can I interact with "in progress" Traffic Disruptions?
How can I edit an incident?
How can I create incidents?
How do I fill out the Additional Details section of a new incident report?
How do I fill out the Time and Place section of a new incident report?
How is a new incident report structured and submitted?
How do I manage incidents that are "Completed"?
How do I manage incidents that are "In Progress"?
How do I manage incidents that "Need Action"?
What happens when I click on an incident in the Need Action category?
How are existing incidents categorized?
How can I sort the incidents list?
How do I collapse and restore the incidents list?
What is contained in the incident sidebar on the Live Map?
What is a Response Plan?
How do I create a Response Plan template?
How do I assign a Response Plan template?
How do I use Related Events?
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Incident Management (Tablet)
How can I view traffic disruptions?
How does collaborate view work?
How can I use offline mode?
How can I interact with an incident that is in progress?
How can I interact with an incident that needs action?
How can I restore a completed incident?
How can I complete an incident in Tablet?
How can I edit an incident in Tablet?
How do I manually create an incident in Tablet?
How do I sort and filter the incidents list?
What is the difference between 'Need Action,' 'In Progress," and 'Completed'?
How are incidents populated on the platform?
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Account Management
What are permissions and roles in Rekor Command™?
How do I add or delete mitigation types?
How do I add, edit, and delete routes?
How can I create, edit, and delete roles?
How do I create, edit, and delete users?
What does No Access mean in the Permissions section?
What permissions and abilities are granted to the Viewer role?
What permissions and abilities are granted to the Manager role?
How do I manage my Rekor Command™ account?
How Do I Use Working Hours?
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Data Hub (Desktop)
What is the Data Hub in Rekor Command™?
What filters are available with the Modify Columns option?
What categories can incidents be filtered into?
How do I export my results after applying filters?
How can I review Incident or Drive Shift reports after applying filters?
I applied filters and received a "no incidents" message. What do I do now?
What categories can driver shifts be filtered into?
How do I use filters in the Data Hub?
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Live Map (Tablet)
How do I use map tools?
How do I access a Dashcam feed on the Live Map?
How do I interact with an existing event on the Live Map?
How do I interact with Field Assets on the Live Map?
How can I recenter my map?
How can I zoom in and out on the Live Map?
How do I activate and deactivate layers?
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Release Notes and Updates
Rekor Command™ Release Notes - July 2022
Rekor Command™ Release Notes - January 2022
Rekor Command™ Release Notes - May 2022
Rekor Command™ Release Notes - April 2022
Rekor Command™ Release Notes - March 2022
Rekor Command™ Release Notes - September 2022
Rekor Command™ Release Notes - February 2022
Rekor Command™ Release Notes - December 2021
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