How do I use map tools?

The live map is a fully interactive visual aid to manage incidents and other events on the roadways within your jurisdiction. The Rekor Command™ platform provides three map tools for your use - mile markers, satellite view and traffic layer.

On the lower-right-hand corner of the screen are three map tools. Each one turns on a layer. 


Map Tools_Tablet

  1. To turn on the mile marker layer, touch the green mile marker icon. A blue check mark appears on the icon indicating that this later is active. To turn off this layer, touch the mile marker layer icon again.

    Mile Marker_Tablet
  2. To view the map with satellite imagery, click the satellite icon. The map changes immediately. A blue check mark indicates that this tool is active. To return to the default view setting, click the satellite icon again. The map changes back to its default setting.

    Satellite View_Tablet
  3. To turn on the traffic layer, click the traffic icon. A blue check mark indicates that the tool is active. To turn off this layer, click the traffic layer icon again.

Traffic Layer_Tablet

You can configure the map style at your discretion. The tools can be used together, separately, or not at all depending on the needs of your current tasks.