How do I export my results after applying filters?

Filtered results in the Data Hub can be exported as a .csv or .pdf.

To export a .csv file of your selected events, follow these steps:

  1. Use the filters on the left to sort through the list of events.
  2. Once you have the relevant list of results you wish to download, click “Export to CSV”.
  3. A .csv file of the report will be downloaded to your computer.

For a more detailed report of one incident, in particular, users have the option to export a PDF report. The PDF report will include the incident source, time & location, response details, and other relevant information.

To download an incident report as a PDF, follow the steps below:

  1. Click on the incident you wish to export.
  2. A details panel will appear on the right-hand side of the screen.
  3.  Select the button on the bottom of the details panel called, “Export to PDF.”
  4. The PDF file will be automatically downloaded to your computer.