How do I Use Keyboard Shortcuts for Navigation in Rekor Command?

This article provides keyboard shortcuts to assist with navigation in Rekor Command.

Use the keyboard shortcuts below to navigate between elements in Rekor Command. You’ll know an element is in focus when it’s surrounded by a blue outline, or when a text cursor is blinking in a message field.  


Shortcut Keys 

Toggle between frames 

Tab to navigate, then Enter or Space to select 

To navigate the Left Panel 

Tab to area, then R arrow to correct tab, then Enter or Space to select 

To sort by Type 

Tab then Space to select. Arrows may be used to change the sorting type. 

To navigate Events List 

Tab to navigate, then Enter to select 

To navigate the Layers 

Tab to navigate, Space or Enter to select, Esc to exit 

To navigate the Transit module 

Tab to navigate, Space to expand or select, Space to check or uncheck, Esc to close 

To navigate the Weather module 

Tab to navigate, Space to expand or select, Space to check or uncheck, Esc to close 

To navigate the Crash Risk module 

Tab to navigate, Esc to close 

To navigate the Roadway Status module 

Tab to navigate, Space to expand or select, Esc to close 

Escsape pop ups and panels  


Type within text fields  

Start typing