What are permissions and roles in Rekor Command™?

The Rekor Command™ software platform utilizes a structured approach to roles and permissions to manage user access effectively.

Permissions define what actions users can perform on specific entities, and these permissions are grouped into roles. Users gain permissions by being assigned roles directly. 


  • Represent individual system access credentials. 
  • Associated with a single account but can exist in multiple accounts under different roles. 
  • Roles assigned determine the user’s permissions.  


  • Defined sets of permissions assigned to users or groups.  
  • Roles are account-specific and include Manager, Viewer, No access permissions. 


  • Manager has Create, Read, Update, and Delete permissions to perform on the assigned entities. 
  • Viewer has read-only permission on the assigned entities. 
  • No access users have no permission on the assigned entities.

Assigning and Managing Roles 

Assigning Roles to Users 

  1. Navigate to Settings > Account > Users section.
  2. Select an existing user or add a new user. Enter that user's information, assign a role and click Create.
    New User
  3. Assign one or more roles to the user. 
    Command TMC Manager Role

Updating Roles 

  • Modifications to a role (adding/removing permissions) will automatically update permissions for all assigned users and groups. 

Removing Roles 

  • Removing a role from a user or group revokes the associated permissions. Permissions are only fully removed if all roles containing them are removed. 

Create Custom Roles 

  • Add a new role with role name and description.
  • Select custom role permissions on each entity.

Tip: It is advisable to create a role title that already exists within your organization (i.e., TMC Operator, TMC Supervisor, etc.)  

Default Roles and Permissions Settings

Role Name 




CRUD on all entities, user and group management, account-level settings 

Full administrative access to the account 


Read-only access to all entities 

View data without making changes 

Custom Role 

Customizable permissions (e.g., specific entities access) 

Flexible role for tailored permissions