Rekor Scout® Release Notes - July 2023 (Web 1.9.0)
Added image, licensing, branding and subscription updates and fixes.
Image-related Improvements and Fixes
- Added fix to prevent 500 response code when searching for images from a camera that is offline.
- Fixed an issue preventing capture location (map image thumbnail) from being displayed in a PDF exported from a plate read.
- Fixed an issue causing plate images to be missing from a PDF exported from advanced search results.
- Fixed an issue causing vehicle images to be missing from the Dispatch Map search results.
- Fixed an issue preventing display of a plate read's full-size image when an overview image was provided for the read by the agent.
- Fixed an issue causing plate crops to appear missing/unavailable when OpenALPR link (web socket server) is down.
- Fixed an issue preventing PDF export from alert search result.
- Ensure image are retrieved from cloud storage instead of agents, when possible.
Licensing, Branding and Subscriptions Updates, Maintenance and Fixes
- Updated logos, colors and footer links on Scout site.
- Fixed an issue causing plan prices to contain more than two digits after the decimal point.
- Performed licensing main site maintenance and cleanup, including new logos, names, messages, colors and more.