Rekor Discover™ Release Notes - August 2024 (v3.4.0-3.5.0)

Includes AWS migration, device self-check, evacuation scheduling and more enhancements.

Enhancements and Improvements v3.5.0

  • Device Self-check (feature flag enabled): Introduces an automated device self-check feature that identifies and corrects common issues on devices reducing manual intervention. Initiated via an action button on the Devices page.
  • Speed Calibration Optimization Mode (feature flag enabled): Users can now initiate Speed Optimization Mode directly from the calibration tool via a button, allowing for automated speed optimization for each lane. 
  • The Device Calibration page now supports bi-directional, single-lane configurations leveraging the device's ability to handle contraflow, greatly simplifying the process for users handling these specific roadway setups, which can be used for scheduled evacuations, peak volume hours, etc. 
  • A new filter on the Devices page allows users to toggle between viewing all devices or only those that have been assigned a name, preventing unconfigured devices from cluttering the table or map.
  • The STS agent’s vehicle processing queue size and last heartbeat time are now displayed in the device details dialog, providing improved diagnostics.
  • Users can now set a primary study (feature flag enabled) for forwarding data to FDOT, with future support planned for additional data integrators like Drakewell and MS2.
  • FDOT API Alpha Release: This will allow FDOT to receive and ingest aggregated vehicle data from Discover.

    Enhancements and Improvements v3.4.0

    Migrated from AWS GovCloud to the AWS Commercial Cloud. This migration enhances infrastructure capabilities, providing greater flexibility, scalability, and access to a broader range of AWS services. As part of this migration, edge units in the field have been updated to point to the Commercial Cloud instance.